Indoor Air Quality Check

Improve Health, Well-being & Productivity.

Our proprietary Air Quality Indexes make it easy for anyone to detect bad air quality and take immediate actions.
This helps to:
Poor air quality causes a wide range of negative effects on the people in a building, including medical symptoms, reduced feeling of well-being and drop in performance. Therefore, an increase in air quality can significantly change the overall health of any individual within the building
Air pollution in the workplace can have a negative impact on your employees’ mood and cognitive abilities. It can cause them to experience fatigue, mood swings, depression, and loss of concentration, resulting in an unhappy working environment and lower productivity. Improvements in air quality have led to significant increases in worker productivity.
Improvement in Productivity and Well-being will contribute greatly to the overall Economic Gains of the businesses.
Publish IAQ indexes to create the trust
Increase frequentation to increase sales
Manage indoor wellness by tracking AQ indexes
Publish IAQ indexes to create the trust
Monitor safe hubs to avoid spread.
Manage the fear of employees to avoid the sick building syndrome.
Reduce sick leave rate
Track IAQ indexes to complies to AQ SLA
Publish IAQ indexes to create the trust
Create safe spaces to prevent spread
Manage indoor wellness by tracking AQ indexes
Publish IAQ indexes to create the trust
Create safe spaces to prevent spread
Create safe spaces to avoid spread
Publish IAQ indexes to create the trust
Singapore • Mumbai • Bangkok • Ho Chi Minh City